Family-friendly Music Events that encourage Reading! 847. 363. 5737
Member of the the Illinois Arts Council ArtsTour Roster, for two decades
WORDS and STORIES exercise our minds and stir our souls. Students who have opportunities to make music will learn the three Rs better!
Many of these songs come from stories about inspiring heroines and heroes, which we have been reading to our own children.
Various learning styles are used at the same time, which creates a synergy not present in any single mode of learning. Visual- all Lyrics are projected
Kinesthetic – we move! Music and movement awaken and enhance learning, raise endorphin levels, opening new worlds of words and story. Beware: This Music Program may become habit-forming!
Singing while interacting with others develops Social learning skills. I look forward to hearing from you, so we can starting SINGING AT YOUR LIBRARY, TOGETHER!
Q: Why singing at the Library?!
A: Because reading and singing are a celebration of words! All of Rich’s song lyrics are projected on a screen to help promote Literacy.
His Library Music programs inspire creative thinking and more reading, as many songs are based upon characters we can read about (see The Music tab)!
Having Rich as your Guest Artist is a fun way to promote reading and singing at:
Family Concerts, Winter Reading Extravaganza, Early Elementary Reading Hour, Read to the Rhythm Grand Finale
Q: Why would you want kids to be singing at the Library, when so many of us were taught to be quiet at the Library? Shhhhh!
A: We’ll end up singing, reading and giggling… and we want kids and adults to have lots of good reasons to visit our local Library!
Q: Why is Rich different than many of the other Children Musicians? – Everyone is able to participate by reading projected song lyrics
– Kids and Adults are invited to move (kinesthetic learning)
– Rich invites audience members to interact with each other
– These songs inspire creative thinking and discussion about content – Choruses can be done in English and Spanish – This positive pop music features inspiring characters and themes
Illinois Arts Council Touring Artist Rich Rubietta has been making Music with kids and their parents for 25 years. With a Music Degree from Northwestern University, he first piloted his story-based positive Pop Music in the K-8 Classroom and also with the three amazing children he and Jane Rubietta have had together. Now in Schools, Libraries, Home & School, PTA Events and Conferences, children and adults are dancing to this music! Invite Rich to your Library for a positive, interactive event!
Family-Friendly Music Events with Rich Rubietta 847. 363. 5737
Rich’s CD, Room 4U & Me received a Parents’ Choice-approved Award 🙂
Many of the songs were inspired by Stories he and Jane were reading to their three children at bedtime. You know it’s a good story, when kids ask for it over and over!
Flowers are Red – a new twist on a classic participatory song, by Harry Chapin
Don’t Play With Bruno– a role model who answers rejection with kindness
Why Not Me? – about “Peter, the little hero of Holland” who plugs up the Dyke
Michelangelo Blues – Three verses chronicle how the artist overcame adversity
Funky Monkey – most requested song; Verses encourage respect for self and others
Headin’ Home – young boy runs away from home but can’t escape responsibility
Cow Says Moo – interactive rhyme song by Jesse Manibussan
Clap Your Feet – a song that eventually had to be written! *
Let’s Eat Bugs – chance to learn a BIG word and how some folks gets their protein
Arachnophobia – autobiographical song, with a cameo appearance from Miss Muffet
Bear Hug –an opportunity to interact with neighbors, without actually touching them!
Glad Dance – a shuffle Jig: “I’m so glad to be alive, I’ll jump up and greet my friend.”
The World is Our Neighborhood – a Ballad with an eye toward the world community
Peace Like a River – an active and inter-active version of a traditional favorite!
May You Find Sleep Tonight – A lullaby for all the children of the world
Vida Buena – a little boy discovers a different kind of “good life,” when he moves to an actual street in Chicago named Avenida Buena
Almost every Song Chorus has been translated into singable Spanish!
“It’s good exercise too!” says Sofiabella Amirante
Singing at the Library……Helping Families read and sing together!